Walk Outside For This Long To Boost Your Mental Health
One thing I try to never miss is my morning walk outside. I’ve found it to be the absolute best way for me to start my day, is by getting out into nature and enjoying some fresh air before the stresses of the day catch up to me.
Turns out, walking outside everyday is a huge mental health booster.
According to HuffPost.com, a new study found that one-hour of walking in nature can reduce stress when compared to walking in a busy city. So sorry, if you’re walking to work in Uptown, that doesn’t count.
The study followed 63 people, who were assigned to either walk in the city, or in nature. those who walked in nature. “The results of our study show that after only [a] one-hour walk in nature, activity in brain regions involved in stress processing decreases,” Sonja Sudimac, the lead author of the study, told Medical News Today.
I found this study interesting because I agree! While I always take my walks in my neighborhood, I do usually find my morning walks more stressful with the more people I run into. People can be stressors when you’re trying to relax.
So, if you can carve out an hour of time to get out in nature and talk a nice walk, you may find your mood, and mental health improve!