6 Good Breakfast Options That Don’t Require Eggs
The bird flu is causing a massive egg shortage, and if you're not sure what to make for breakfast anymore, here are some ideas of good breakfast options without having to use eggs. Some stores are even going so far as limiting the amount of eggs that customers can buy. I have to believe that is in part because of peoples tendency to panic buy items once they hear there is a shortage of anything, but nonetheless, you may have a hard time finding eggs in stores for the time being. If you're like me, eggs are a staple for your morning. My go-to breakfast is a sausage, spinach and feta cheese omelet. Eggs are a great source protein, so many people love to use them in their breakfast. Luckily, there are some other breakfast options you can try while the egg shortage is going on. Here are some alternatives to an egg-based breakfast: