Gun Fired At The Comedy Zone Before Craig Robinson Show In Charlotte
What a scary end to a Saturday night!
Saturday night, Craig Robinson, who you may know from play Darrel in, “The Office” was supposed to do a comedy show in Charlotte. The comedian was set to perform at The Comedy Zone.
Before the show however, there was an active shooter situation. According to Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department, Omar James McCombs entered the club just after 9pm, and showed the crowd his gun. CMPD say that McCombs did fire his gun, but did not cause any injuries. After this incident, he was taken into custody.
After the incident, all the guests, and Craig Robinson himself were all ushered over to a safe space. That safe space just so happened to be the Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, where Big Time Rush was performing.
Robinson shared a video to his Instagram explaining the incident, and telling his fans that the show for the night will be cancelled.
Robinson was also supposed to perform on Sunday night, but that show was also cancelled.
What a scary incident. It is so sad that this continues to happen more and more, and become so common. I’m so glad no one was injured, but that is definitely a scary way to end a night!