These Are The Most Difficult Words To Pronounce In The English Language
Working in radio, I know as well as anyone some words are just not easy to say.
Everyone has certain words they struggle to say, but some are more common that other. For weeks, reddit users have been submitting their picks for the hardest English words to pronounce, and some showed up more than others. Over 5,000 users submitted thier opinions on Reddit and these words showed up the most as words that are challenging:
Turns out the common consenses when it came to the hardest word in the world to pronounce, meaning a word in any language, was the german word for fife hundred fifty five. The word is spelled, Fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig, and honestly, even after listening, I wouldn’t even try to say it.
All I can say is, thank goodness for google translate!