Wives Prank Brothers By Unsuspectedly Buying Them Matching Shirts
I love a good prank, especially when they are as unsuspecting, and whole-hearted as this one.
I first saw this video on TikTok, and it has sense gone viral, even being featured on, “The Today Show.” In the prank video, you see wives (clearly in on the joke), making their husbands wear a specific shirt to a family gathering. As each brother enters, they start to realize that they are all wearing the same shirt. At first, they think it happens to be a coincidence, but one by one as another brother enters the room, it become evident that this was all set up in advance.
The best part of the video in my opinion, is that the men seem actually stocked to all be wearing the same shirt; you can tell how close they are.
When I first saw this video, I won’t lie, I sent it to our closest couple friends and said.. “Why didn’t we think of that?”