The Internet Is Shocked By The Real Ingredients In Nutella
Sometime the internet is a place where strangers fight with each other, sometimes it is a place for silly cat videos, but sometimes, the internet is a place where you can actually learn new things. And yes, while learning the ingredients that actually go into Nutella is not going to get you a degree, it’s still interesting, and important to know.
Today, I was scrolling on Twitter, and saw that Nutella was trending. Being the foodie I am, I immediately had to know why, and to my surprise, it wasn’t because they are releasing a new flavor, or coming out with a new product; instead, it was all about the ingredients that go in to making the beloved spread.
One user posted a photo that shows the ingredients, and proportions of all the ingredients in Nutella, and it got the internet buzzing.
this is a devastating discovery
— Trung Phan (@TrungTPhan) June 11, 2021
Some people were genuinely shocked by the photo, and how much sugar was added. Others didn’t seem too phased.
Mate we don't eat Nutella because it's healthy
— Tweeter of Vibes (@Vibe_Sharer) September 21, 2021
I’ll be honest, I never considered Nutella a “healthy” food, but I definitely had no idea just how much sugar was in it. Will I stop eating Nutella? No; sometimes ignorance is bliss, and especially when it comes to yummy foods.