The Best Memes From The Weeknd’s Halftime Show
Was it just me, or was last night’s game less than exciting?
After the first half, I was definitely ready to be entertained be The Weeknd for the halftime show. And afer hearing rumors that The Weeknd had spent around 7 million dollars to make sure the performance was up to his standards, I was definitely looking forward to seeing it.
Overall, I thought the performance was pretty good! Was it the best halftime show performance I’ve ever seen? No. But I believe The Weeknd definitely held his own, especially considering there were no special guests to help him.
As the second half of the football game was going on, I was pretty much checked out as the game was just not getting exciting at all. Luckily, the internet came through with so many great memes about the halftime show to help me make it through the rest of the night.
Here are some of the best memes I saw from last nights halftime show!
Major “Mom on FaceTime” vibes #PepsiHalftime
— Jordan Hamm (@JordyHamm) February 8, 2021
my camera roll when I take my iPad back from a toddler
— Ashley White | Chicago Esthetician (@skinclasshero) February 8, 2021
what my pizza rolls see from inside the microwave
— Ryan Schocket (@RyanSchocket) February 8, 2021
What my coworkers see on zoom meetings when I think my camera is off #PepsiHalftime #SuperBowl
— Meggy (@MeggyNikirk) February 8, 2021
When I hear my cat somewhere in the house start to gag and I try to get to it before it barfs on something nice
— pat tobin (@tastefactory) February 8, 2021
4 year old me in the grocery store looking for my mom. #PepsiHalftime #SuperBowl
— Tyler Roney (@TylerJRoney) February 8, 2021
When 5 shots of tequila start kicking in 😂 #HalfTimeShow #SuperBowl #TheWeeknd
— Selina Lucero (@SelinaLucero1) February 8, 2021