Cameron Got A New Pet!
This weekend, we welcomed a new being to our home. My roommate and I have been talking about getting a pet for a while, but we could never agree on one. I REALLY want a dog, but my roommate does not. My roommate REALLY wants a cat, but I do NOT want a cat.
So we’ve been in this pickle for almost a year now; wanting a pet, but not being able to decide on one…until this weekend. We finally decided.. why not a fish? It’s probably the easiest pet you can have! Not only are they easy to afford, they’re easy to care for also, so we went to the pet store and got a fish!
Everyone, please meet out Black Orchid Male Betta Fish, Merman!
We even decided to give him his own instagram to try to keep up with all the dog and cat pages out there, you can follow Merman on Instagram @MermanTheBettaFish