Ed Sheeran Opens Up About Being Bullied As A Kid
Ed Sheeran is opening up about his childhood..
Ed Sheeran might be one of the biggest stars today, but even he had to deal with bullying as a kid.
The 28-year-old musician opened up recently, and admitted that he was left in tears almost every day in primary school due to bullying. He says he was bullied for his ginger hair, glasses and stutter in a frank interview with DJ Nihal and rapper Dave for the campaign group Love Music Hate Racism.
But what he was bullied for as a young kid, turned out to be what made him so memorable as he began his music career.
He said: “I have always looked a little bit quirky and I never had much luck with girls, it was always like I looked a bit weird.
“But then when I started playing music, every time I would do a gig everyone was like, ‘oh, it’s the ginger guy with the small guitar,’ and you get remembered for that.
“And then suddenly you start gaining a bit of attraction because you are memorable. The thing I always say to kids now is, it’s great to be weird.”