Popular Charlotte Pub Closes Temporarily Due To Surge In COVID-19 Cases
Coronavirus cases continue to go up and up in America, and in Charlotte, and it’s causing some restaurants and businesses to second guess whether or not they want to remain open.
In North Carolina, there were over 3,000 cases reported three times last week.
One popular pub in Charlotte, has decided to shut down operations because they are trying to be proactive in fighting the virus.
Selwyn Avenue Pub in Myers Park said it’s closing for safety reasons because of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
Selwyn Pub is temporarily closing pic.twitter.com/JYE7JyYZz1
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) November 15, 2020
It obviously a worst case scenario situation for restaurants to be closing down again, but with cases continuing to rise, I feel like this is just the beginning, and we will see many other restaurants following suit. What do you think?