Why This Season Of ‘The Bachelor’ Is The Worst
I had such high hopes for this season of The Bachelor. Peter Weber seemed like a safe choice; so what could go wrong… The answer is EVERYTHING!
I’ve often talked about my love for The Bachelor. It’s become a tradition to get together every Monday with my girlfriend and watch, but this if you’ve been watching this season of The Bachelor, you’ll more than likely agree with me when I say, that this season is one of the hardest seasons to watch in years.
I feel like as a lead, Peter is so unsure of what he actually wants. He keeps saying, “I was someone to want me more than I want them,” but that is SUCH an immature way to see love. Not only that, he has let go all of the mature and normal women(trust me, there weren’t many) who are actually giving him what he wants, and keeping girls who are unsure like Victoria F. Kelly said it better than anyone this season when she said, “I feel like you’re rewarding the drama.”
Usually, the drama on the show is what makes it, but this season, the arguments, and fights have been so catty and immature, it’s hard to watch. Instead of quirky contestants, these women are like high school bullies. So we can’t only blame Peter. The producers also are to blame for casting these women. There is not really one contestant on this show that I fell in love with this season. I will be watching the rest of the season play out, but I can honestly say, this has been one of the hardest, and most boring seasons to watch so far.
So between an indecisive, and boring lead, a cast of very immature women, and no real person to root for… This is, in my opinion, the worst season of The Bachelor that we’ve had in years.
I think it is high time that the producers start casting older women, and men to be on this show. People who are serious, and we can actually believe when they say they want to get married. (NOT 23-year-olds…)