South Carolina 8th Grader Saved A Family From Fire
Here’s an upside to your kids (or husband) staying up all night to play video games. They could save someone’s life. One teen saved a family from fire in their own home while playing video games.
Now, we don’t have a gaming console in our household but our children are 4 and 7, so it’s still a little early for them. The most interaction with video games they have is when they get their haircut. The place we take them has gaming systems for the kids to play but they spend half the time asking me how to do it. And let’s be honest. I know NOTHING! I was left in the dust when Nintendo 64 came out and everything changed from 2D to 3D. I digress. Anyway, if your child plays video games more than my little ones hopefully they are still in tuned with what is going on around them, like Avante was.
How a 13-year-old saved a family from fire:
Well, according to FOX CAROLINA, earlier this week, Columbia, South Carolina, 13-year-old Avante Weeks saved his family from a house fire because he was awake playing video games late at night. Around midnight, Avante heard popping noises coming from his neighbor’s house, but soon realized the noise was actually coming from the fire engulfing his family’s car and it was spreading to their house.
Realizing the danger, the 8th-grader immediately woke up his family, making sure everyone got out safely. Avante recalls being in such a rush that he didn’t even put on clothes or grab his phone. His mother says that they’re proud and grateful for her son’s quick thinking and bravery.
Columbia-Richland firefighters responded to the blaze and worked until 5 a.m. to get it under control. The fire destroyed the Weeks’ home and another nearby, displacing two families. But thanks to Avante’s decisive actions, fortunately, no one was injured.