The Delivery Driver And The Chicken
I think the delivery driver and the chicken in this video want to be best friends. More and more people are starting to keep chickens as pets. So, a chicken in a garage is just as likely as a dog being in a garage when it opens. I guess if you’re a delivery driver dropping off a package, you have to be ready for anything with legs to come running at you. As this poor guy found out, chickens know how to make an escape. As he was trying to leave the garage of the residence, the family’s pet chicken wanted to escape with him. The deeper he’d bring it into the garage, the faster it would run after the driver as he’d try to escape and hit the close button. The driver would eventually wait until the door was almost all the way down and toss the chicken safely into the garage. The delivery driver and the chicken that wanted to escape. I hope episode two comes out soon. Watch the video below!