What’s Your Go-To Football Party Food?
I always forget that this time of year is one of my favorites! Everyone’s watching two football teams compete to be acknowledged as the elite team of the season. The emotion, angst and anticipation is so thick you can cut it all with a knife. And with that same knife you’ll find me by the appetizers spreading cheese or a jam on a cracker. After that, I’ll pick three or four meatballs out of a crockpot with a toothpick; mmm, sweet Thai chili flavored! As I make my way around the kitchen, I notice the burger sliders, pigs-in-a-blanket and chili! And then right there in the middle of everything, the three kings of dips: queso, guac and french onion. Happy appetizer season indeed!
Of course, this year will be a little different. It’ll probably just be my wife and I, and maybe another couple watching one of the biggest events in the world. I encourage you to make delicious food for this event on Sunday, February 7th. Keep your own traditions alive, even if it’s on a smaller scale. Just be safe. What’s your favorite go-to party food? Scroll down to see the most popular Big Game foods eaten in NC and SC according to search term data released by Google.
North Carolina – Pigs In A Blanket
South Carolina – Chili
What if you live on the border? Do you put your pigs-in-a-blanket in your chili?
Click here to see what all the states love to eat the most on football Sunday. Happy feasting!