‘Horrible Hundred’ Report Includes Puppy Mill in North Carolina
Each May the Humane Society of the United States puts out a report of the top 100 problem puppy mills and puppy brokers in the country. The report details the often-filthy, unhealthy conditions dogs and their offspring are kept in at high-volume breeding operations. North Carolina has earned a mention on the “Horrible Hundred” list.
North Carolina had one breeder mentioned on the list, but Missouri had THIRTY noted on the list. Ohio had nine, Kansas and Wisconsin with eight each, Georgia with seven and Pennsylvania with six. The Humane Society said these puppy mills sell to pet stores across the country and through their websites, meaning the puppies from all of these “Horrible Hundred” breeders could end up anywhere in the United States.
In North Carolina, AKC Rhodesian ridge-back breeder Amanda Gouge of Granite Falls, North Carolina was cited on the list. According to the report, more than 30 dogs were seized from Gouge, who operated the business called “Ellie May’s African Beauties,” including an emaciated mother gave birth to seven puppies. Four of those seven puppies died and the remaining three were sick. Gouge was actually charged with animal cruelty for the condition of the animals.
Source: Patch