3 Of South Carolina’s Most Haunted Hotels
Maybe you are really into spooky season. And on a weekend getaway, you may want a room with a boo. Once you stop laughing at that amazing joke, check out 3 of South Carolina’s most haunted hotels.
3 Of South Carolina’s Most Haunted Hotels
According to discoverSouthCarolina.com, here are at least 3 of South Carolina’s most haunted hotels. We love Pawley’s Island but mid October is about our last visit there. That might have to change. Litchfield Plantation House has been named as one of South Carolina’s most haunted hotels. It’s already a popular wedding venue. Why not make it your Halloween destination? It was established in the 1700s. Rumor has it that the doctor who resided there still roams the halls.
The Westin Poinsett in Greenville, South Carolina
Now this haunted hotel is pretty close to us here in the Charlotte area. It’s the former site of the Mansion House Hotel in Greenville. The Westin Poinsett is a circa 1925 luxury hotel located in Greenville, South Carolina. It was once home to John Calhoun and shut down in 1987. But with some money and innovation was brought back to life thirteen years later. However, not all guests are paying. Some stay there rent free minus the bounds of the earthly flesh.
Embassy Suites In Charleston, South Carolina
An Embassy Suites sounds like a lovely place to stay and this one is. However, don’t be surprised to find yourself an unexpected roommate. This one was once the site of the South Carolina state arsenal. It’s actually been designated as a civil war monument. And not surprisingly the resident ghosts might be in uniform.

Have you ever seen something you can’t explain? I can honestly say I have once. It was a few years ago and it was actually on the farm where I live. I saw what I thought was a man in overalls grooming my horse Georgia. I thought it was our farm hand but even then that would have been unusual. As I got closer the figure looked hazier, I dropped my head to keep walking. When I lifted my head again, the figure next to my horse was gone. A few days later my horse was diagnosed with cancer and eventually had to be put down. Was this a visit from an angel? Maybe