Stranger Steps Up To Donate Kidney To Pittsburgh Police Officer
A couple of years ago, Pittsburgh police Officer Jeffrey Crawford, who has served the city for 30 years, went in for a routine check up and learned that he had kidney disease. Within days, he was on dialysis and in search of a new kidney. According to WTAE, a chance encounter this summer at a local church led him to meet Sonya Brown, who felt compelled to help Crawford and ended up being a perfect donor match for him.
Crawford and Brown are scheduled to have their transplant surgery in November, but this week, the community came together to celebrate their story and raise awareness about kidney disease. At an event in front of Pittsburgh’s City-County Building, Pittsburgh mayor Ed Gainey declared October 25th to be Jeffrey Crawford and Sonya Brown Day.
During the event, city employees, including the Police Chief Larry Scirotto, assembled 200 care packages to be given to dialysis patients in Crawford and Brown’s honor. Representatives from the National Kidney Foundation were at the event, too. They recognized Officer Crawford’s resilience with a kidney pin and presented Brown with a hero pin.