This Company Needs 5 People And Their Pets To Test Their Luxury Linens
April is the UK’s National Pet Month! The UK linen company DUSK is celebrating by offering an interesting job opportunity. They are searching for five people, and their pets, to test out a brand new line of their luxury linens. If they choose you, you’ll win two luxury linen bed sets worth up to $350!
You can enter the competition in two ways: from Instagram or Facebook. Whichever social media platform you enter from, the first step is either liking their page on Facebook or following their account on Instagram. To enter, post a picture of your pet on your bed with the hashtag #DUSKCuteCompanions. You can either post this on Instagram like normal or through the comment section under the competition post on their Facebook page. Just make sure to still use the hashtag: #DUSKCuteCompanions.
Enter soon! The competition ends April 26, 2021. Find more information on their website.
Read Fun Job: Look at Puppy Pictures During Your Day and Get Paid $20/Hour!