Even Celebrities Ghost Each Other! Heidi Klum Admits To Ghosting Drake
In the words of Heidi Klum, “you snooze you lose.”
Heidi Klum was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday and admitted something that shook us all!
The last time the supermodel was on with Ellen she admitted to having a crush on Drake. Call Ellen’s show a matchmaker because after Drake saw that, he took matters into his own hands and worked very hard on getting her number. He found someone who knows her and got her number that way. He sent her a text and asked her out but by the time all of that happened, Heidi Klum had already found someone!
“Sorry, Drake. You snooze, you lose,” Heidi said. “He was basically like a week too late.”
The plot twist is that Heidi didn’t even text him back! So when we talk on the show about someone in Concord ghosting someone in Charlotte…it happens in Hollywood too! Who wouldn’t thought? Heidi did admit that she was embarrassed at the way she handled it, adding, “I’m sorry I didn’t text you back. You’re cool. I still love your music. I’ll probably come to the concerts very soon.”
Ellen, being Ellen, added, “Yeah, well, you’re not going to be able to get in.”