Marine Experts Find Deep “Scary” Surprise Off The South Carolina Coast
Marine scientists have discovered quite a scary and large surprise right off the South Carolina coast. The world’s largest deep-sea coral reef extends right down to Florida. It ranges in distance from about Charleston to Miami. The somewhat scary surprise is that it’s brimming with new mysterious species. The reef is roughly 158 miles long, in perspective, it’s around the size of Vermont. The reef has been nicknamed “The Million Mounds” since it’s mostly made up of stony coral. Million Mounds Reef has an average temperature of 39 degrees according to NOAA.
The 6.4 million acres-discovery is between 656 feet and 3,280 feet deep. At that depth, there’s zero sunlight. Can you imagine how you would feel in a space THAT dark? No, thank you!! The newly uncovered region has the “most extensive” ecosystem of Desmophyllum pertusum ever found within U.S. waters, the study authors said, with mounds estimated to be thousands of years old.
“Many [deep-sea corals] live for hundreds of years, with some colonies living over 4,000 years,” NOAA says, with the latest discovery revealing nearly 84,000 individual coral mound peak features.
Reportedly instead of the bright coral many of us think of when we think of reefs, this stretch is mostly pure white. Meanwhile, the team speculates there might be even larger deep-sea coral reefs hidden along the routes elsewhere around the globe. Those reefs could give us a glimpse at scary looking creatures never seen before! Welp that’s the last time I dive in the water off South Carolina Coast! Haha. See you never, ever again after reading about this one!
Check out the full story here to really get the inside scoop!