Mystery Money Game Gripping Canadian Town
Forget Power Ball! A mystery money game is gripping a Canadian town. The mysterious game in a Canadian town has residents searching for hidden cash. The town of Miramichi in northern New Brunswick was engrossed in a mystery according to CBC News. A person going by the name Roman Dungarvan was posting cryptic clues in a Facebook group. The page is called Miramichi Mystery Machine. The clues lead the group’s followers to $50 and $100 bills hidden all over the town.
The game started with a post to the newly created Facebook group and a single clue: “May 1st, 7PM $100 hidden at Ritchie Wharf.” Several residents descended on the wharf and the money was claimed within hours. From there, the daily posts have gotten more cryptic and often have a dark tone, involving clues from popular horror flicks. Dungarvan, who takes his name from a local ghost story, frequently chimes in to encourage the players.
Since the game started back in May, the group has swelled to over 2-thousand members. Local resident Tim Sutton says it’s the most exciting thing to happen in the town in a while. He doesn’t have a clue who the mysterious Dungarvan is, but thinks it doesn’t really matter and is just thankful it’s gotten people out of their homes. But like all good things, it seems the game is coming to an end. Dungarvan says the final installment of the game will be on Friday the 13th and will have a much bigger prize: $13-hundred. But he teases a possible return later, posting, “Maybe Roman will come back in a sequel … Maybe. Someday … just when you think it’s safe.”
Would you rather win Power Ball, or this mystery money game is gripping the Canadian town?