DM Drama: Can I Bring A Plus One To The Wedding
Can you bring a plus one to a wedding? That’s our question today. We share our lives with you, so when you let us into yours, we love it! You can always send us a DM @TheMRLShow on Instagram. Follow us! We follow back!
In our last DM Drama, we read a DM from a 16-year-old who said her mom is the most embarrassing! She said, “I am Dm-ing because my mom is out of control. She loves going to the pool with me on Sundays, and I love it too. I get some family time; I get to see my friends and catch a little sun. The thing is, my mom is getting increasingly more and more embarrassing. She always follows me around with white ass sunscreen, rubbing it on my nose, chest, and back. She also yells things like honey, make sure you’re drinking enough water so you don’t get dehydrated. I know she means well, but I see a hot guy, and I want to hide for fear she is going to pull out one of her dumb mom’s rules. How do I break up with my mom (just at the pool)? Do I ask to sit separately or just ask to go alone?
Maney wanted her to tell her mom, and others said to tread lightly.
This week, Georgina wanted to know if she could take her boyfriend to her cousin’s wedding even though her invitation was only addressed to her. I think we all agreed her cousin might not want her boyfriend there. So, where do you go from here?