Shark Bite Bracket: Vote for the Greatest Shark Movie Of All Time
It’s official, Shark Week starts on July 11th and we have the best bites in our Kiss 95.1 Shark Bite Bracket! For eight days Shark Week will be filled with all-new groundbreaking shark stories that are jawsome and terrifying.
Thanks to Hollywood, over the years we have been blessed with some wild shark movies. Classics from Jaws to new movies like 47 Meters Down Uncaged, shark movies never fail to keep us on the edge of our seats. Yes, we also love Baby Shark and Shark Tale, but we are going scary on this 16 randomly seated shark bracket!
With some really intense moments and cringing bite scenes, we want to know what is the greatest shark movie of all time? Cast your vote below and see who the winner is on July 19th to see who won. Want to find out what type of shark you are? Take our quiz here.
If you find yourself face to face with a shark while swimming in the water, here are some important safety tips to follow.