Why ‘Moulin Rouge’ Was One Of The Best Film Musicals Of All Time
Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGreggor sat down for Variety to chat over a cup of coffee over their cinematic musical Moulin Rouge.
In “Variety Studio,” Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor talk the Baz Luhrmann film for the “Actors On Actors” series, and it’s great to see both of them glow with enjoyment on the film.
When you think about the movie Moulin Rouge, you realize how whimsical the full set up was, and how Luhrmann has the best imagination. On top of all the musical homages that were put together that had a pop culture flair, it set the precedent for movie musicals that came after it. Let’s revisit the movie’s best moments below:
“Your Song”
“Elephant Song Medley”
“Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”
“Come What May”
BRB, gotta hold my emotions in until I get out of work so I can watch this movie again.
Amy Cooper is the type of journalist that when asked “What do you bring to the table,” she replies “I am the table.