The Maney & LauRen Morning Show


Women Do $6.4K More Of Unpaid Housework Than Men A Year

Research Reveals Why Hairy Men Are Better Husbands

Men Won’t Date Women Who Do Any Of These 7 Things

This Dating App Only Lets Men Join If They Are Endorsed By A Woman

New Study Finds Men Lie About Their “Size” By About 21%

A Quarter of North Carolina Football Fans Would Leave Their Husbands For Tom Brady

Couples Counselor Shares Top 4 Complaints She Hears From Men

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VIDEO: Women Spend Twice As Much Time On THIS Than Men

Attend “Just Heal, Bro!”

Men With These 10 Traits Make The Most Valuable Partners

More Men Embracing Sexy Lingerie For Themselves

Women Share Worst “Compliment” Man Has Ever Given Them

What Men Are Willing To Give Up For Six-Pack Abs

Disney World Tinker Bell Says Men Gave Her Hotel Room Keys

Most Households Still Have Men Vs. Women Chores

Women Reveal The Things Men Do They Find Super Creepy

Tiffany’s Introduces Engagement Ring Line For Men

Men Reveal What They Really Find Most Attractive In A Woman

Male Nail Art Is The Next Big Trend

Why Women Report Worse Vaccine Side Effects Than Men

Men Reveal What They Never Knew Until They Lived With A Woman

Man Catches 54 Pieces of Popcorn in His Mouth in One Minute

First Things A Woman Notices About A Man

This Small Thing Is Considered To Be A HUGE Dating Turn-Off