How “Green” Is The City Of Charlotte? New Study Has Surprising Answer
A lot of people are interested in “green” living these days, choosing to focus on sustainable habits to help preserve the planet. Research shows that around 52% of Americans believe that protecting the environment should be prioritized over economic growth. There are all kinds of things people can do to help the Earth and a new report reveals which cities are doing a better job with being environmentally friendly and working toward sustainability. Just how green is the city of Charlotte? A new study from WalletHub has a surprising answer.
- WalletHub’s list of 2023’s Greenest Cities in America is out.
- It compares the 100 biggest cities on 28 “green indicators” in the main categories of environment, transportation, energy sources and lifestyle & policy.
- The indicators include everything from green job opportunities to smart-energy policies to farmer’s markets per capita.
- This year’s Greenest City in the U.S. is San Diego, California, which comes in second for energy sources, third for lifestyle & policy, and fourth for environment.
- The state of California seems to be doing a great job at being green, as it’s home to five of the top 10 cities on the list.
- The least green city is Gilbert, Arizona. which is dead last for the environment.
- Charlotte landed at number 53 on the list. We had an overall score of 48. 31 for environment, 52 for transportation, 64 for energy resources and 52 for lifestyle.
I was surprised Charlotte wasn’t closer to the top of the list. We don’t have a huge amount of factories causing pollution. We have green buses and plenty of great greenways and parks too! Plus, look around. Tesla’s are everywhere haha.
Top 10 Greenest Cities in the U.S.
(Check out the complete list here)
- San Diego, California
- Honolulu, Hawaii
- Portland, Oregon
- Washington, D.C.
- Seattle, Washington
- San Jose, California
- San Francisco, California
- Oakland, California
- Fremont, California
- Minneapolis, Minnesota