Why So Many Americans Struggle To Lose Weight
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Many of us have tried to lose weight before and those that have to know the struggle is very real. A new survey of 2-thousand Americans who have tried to shed pounds at any point during their life finds that 95% have tried to do it in the last five years, and 44% of them say they’ve struggled with it so much, they ended up gaining 21 pounds or more.
- Nearly three-quarters (72%) say losing weight this year is a major priority for them.
- In the next year, 62% are planning to drop an average of 22 pounds to reach their goal. And more than half (58%) realize that their goal is ambitious.
- People feel the biggest challenges to losing weight include maintaining willpower (28%), lack of motivation (27%), eating healthy foods (27%), overcoming hunger (27%) and finding time to work out (25%).
- Some respondents blame the distractions in their lives, including health issues (25%), money problems (23%) and social media (19%).
- People’s work locations can be a problem as well, as 69% of those who work in a hybrid environment say they eat more frequently at home than they would in their workplace.
- The reasons people give for wanting to lose weight are to improve their appearance (43%), feel more confident (39%) and to deal with major health concerns (39%).
- While 44% prefer to keep their weight loss journey to themselves, 40% are happy to share it with others.
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