What is “Slow Living” And Should We All Be Doing It?
It seems as though people are busier than ever, which has led to “Burnout.” So what should we do instead? “Slow living” enthusiasts say we should be doing just that – living slow. This means taking things and tasks one at a time and to never jam your schedule. It’s having the time to appreciate things rather than just checking them off your to-do list.
Those who are slow living swear that life is better when you’re not moving as quickly. Take a look on insta where #theartofslowliving has more than 3.5m posts. So how can you adopt this slow living in your own life? CEO of DNA Light Up, a life coaching company, Melanie Pledger, explains, ‘Slow living (or present living, or flow, or joy – call it what you will) comes from a place of choice. Not from a place of action, thinking or doing. It’s a place of choice, which starts with simple curiosity.”
Pledger also shared a simple example of what she means, ‘If I ask “why am I feeling so stressed?” then our brain will automatically come up with a whole list of examples because it is responding to the word “why” – in the same way as Google works. And, as our brain delivers all these memories, in an instant, then the experience we have is of stress. If instead, I ask, “how would I rather feel?” then we access a whole new wealth of possibilities. In the moment. Right here, right now.”