Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re Considering An Open Relationship
Not sure I could ever personally do this. I’m a little too jealous of a person to share my partner with anyone, but maybe you’ve thought about an open relationship.
Have you come across a dating app you may have seen a profile that says “ENM”? This stands for “ethical non-monogamy,” which can mean a wide range of things. The most common is an open relationship. If you’re considering an open relationship, according to CNBC, there are some questions you should first ask yourself.
What do I want? You should figure out what you’re actually looking for. Picture your ideal relationship and see if that looks more like monogamy or non-monogamy.
Why do I want to explore an open relationship? Think about what you’d get out of an open relationship that you’re not already getting.
What do I hope an open relationship will enhance in my life? Figure out if you’re just seeking external gratification to make up for something else.
Are there any hurts or past experiences that I may need to work through before entering an open relationship? An open relationship can be triggering for people who’ve been cheated on in the past.
What is the best case scenario. People tend to catastrophize when talking about non-monogamy. Instead, think about if everything worked well what you’d get out of an open relationship, and if it’s really something you’d want.
Source: CNBC