Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About The One Who Got Away
How many people think about an ex? I think it’s safe to say at some point or another in our lives, we all have…
So when does holding on to an ex become unhealthy? According to Elite Daily and Dr. Brown, “If it puts a smile on your face, then keep the indulgent memory.” Dr. Brown also says not to cling to someone of the past so much that it distracts you from living your life now and stops you from enjoying your current relationship.
In hindsight, we regret not being with an ex because when we look [back] we feel that they may have truly been ‘the one’ for us that we might want to have known better.” — OR, “[you may] even realize that they were potentially the one you might very well want to spend the rest of your life with,” he says. Regardless, it didn’t work out for whatever reason. As “Elite Daily” writes, “it’s a self-written fan faction” that lives “in your head rent-free.”
Keep these things in mind if you’re at this point.
- Make peace with the fact that this is a fantasy
- Deconstruct the fantasy and accept there’s no way to know if you would’ve had a happy outcome anyway
- Speak your truth. If you 100% still want them in your life and know they were “the one” then let them know, even if it doesn’t work out. You won’t have anything to less.
Source: Elite Daily