More People Would Prefer to This Than Cuddle After Sex
While a lot of folks may feel that it’s romantic to cuddle after sex with your partner in the bedroom. The truth is most people are likely thinking about something else – cleaning up.
A new survey finds:
- 70% of people say they don’t feel comfortable without showering immediately after sex.
- 72% say they don’t feel “clean” after doing the deed, with that being true for more men than women (79% vs. 66%).
- In fact, when it comes to post-sex activities, only sleeping (54%) is more popular than showering (53%), with cuddling coming in third (52%).
- 73% they will even use a refreshing wipe if they don’t have enough time to clean up after sex.
And when it comes to keeping things clean post-coital:
- 63% of people say they are confused about cleaning up.
- 65% put down towels before sex.
- Another 65% will immediately remove their sheets, or sanitize any area after they are done.
It’s easy for couples to fall into a rut, especially if they’ve been together for years. They get stuck in the same routine, have the same date nights and even the sex can start to get stale after a while. So how do you spice things up if you find this happening in your relationship? Before you sign up for a couple’s yoga retreat or rescue another dog, consider pitching a tent.
We’re talking about a literal tent here. Like out in the woods with campfires and s’mores because according to a survey, couples who camp together have hot sex lives! The poll from tent company OLPRO asked 500 couples between the ages of 25 and 50 who had recently gone on a camping trip about how it affected their love lives.
Source: Study Finds