Huge Gator Caught in SC These Chilling Items in His Belly
An enormous alligator removed from private property in SC revealed some crazy finds when a wild game butcher examined what was in the animal’s stomach.
The 12-foot-long, 445-pound alligator was killed on private property near Charleston County.
The huge gator was brought to Cordray’s and they were so curious they opened the belly to see what was inside.
Alongside bizarre items including a spark plug and the metal jacket from a bullet, Cordray’s also found five dog tags from dog collars.
One of the phone numbers even still worked, Cordray’s said.
When staff members called the man, he confirmed he’d lost a hound dog 24 years earlier while hunting leased property near where the alligator was killed.
Other things found in this alligator’s stomach were claws of bobcats and turtle shell fragments, Cordray’s said.
Apparently, it’s legal to kill gators that considered a nuisance on your private property. They think this gator was 70 plus years old! YIKES!!