How Far Will $50 Go At Once Upon A Child?
With my 9 month old growing like a weed, I can barely keep up with his wardrobe. I took Jaxson to his milestone wellness check with his doctor this week and he was in the 99% for EVERYTHING! Height, weight and head circumference, all off the chart.
So as you can imagine, it’s hard for me to keep up with sizes even with “hand me downs” from his brother, Cashton. Cash was always a string bean anyway so things that fit Cash are too small on my 25 pound, 9 month old.
That’s where Once Upon A Child comes in. They have gently used clothing for boys and girls of all ages and carry everything from strollers to cribs too! Since I needed clothes for Jaxson moving into the spring, I decided to see how far $50 could go at Once Upon A Child. Check out my video below to see some of the great things Once Upon A Child Carries and then Click this link to see what we got for $50!