LauRen’s Movie Review Of Bad Boys For Life
Being from Miami, I always look forward to the release of the Bad Boys movies series. After two installments we have come to expect to see action, beautiful people and locations and to laugh out loud.
I am happy to report that the third production of this action-comedy did not stray far from its roots. It’s like a walk down memory lane with returning characters including Reggie, from one of the film’s most iconic scenes, as well as the disheveled shouting Captain. However, this flick also boasts some new hot characters too! The new AMMO team who comes to Will Smith’s rescue is both sexy and badass.
Now here’s where things go a little sideways. While the storyline of Bad Boys For Life is wrapped around Will Smith’s character Mike Lowery, Martin Lawrence’s character Marcus is ready to tap out of the force after the birth of his first grandchild. It’s pretty obvious these two aren’t the “new kids on the block” anymore. While some people thought Marcus was the star this time around, I think he looked long in the tooth, old and bloated. I was hoping that Bad Boys For Life would be Marcus’s swan song but SPOILER ALERT, he hangs in there.
I thought this movie was funny and action-packed, and I really enjoyed all 2 hours and 3mins of the film. My only concern is that this series is going to turn into a Fast and Furious franchise and I really don’t want them to destroy a beloved storyline. This would have been a perfect opportunity to put a cap on the story.
I give this one an A-.