Your Wildlife Selfies Are Hurting The Animals (STUDY)
There’s a new “Insta-ban,” against a particular type of selfie.
Instagram and selfies go hand in hand but it turns out, there are actually limits to what types of selfies you can share on your Instagram page. The site has put the kibosh on selfies taken with wildlife as a way to inform users of the abuse animals may endure when they appear in the pictures.
Users who search for or click on a wildlife hashtag such as #slothselfie will instead be greeted with a message that reads, “Animal abuse and the sale of endangered animals or their parts is not allowed on Instagram. You are searching for a hashtag that may be associated with posts that encourage harmful behavior to the animals or the environment.”
Whether it’s swimming with dolphins, feeding monkeys or riding elephants, human’s compulsion to post and share these activities is contributing to the exploitation of animals. While not all wildlife tourism and picture taking is harmful, there are examples all over the world of animals being used for profit in ways that inflict suffering on their well-being.
For more information on what is a good/bad wildlife selfie click here.
Article Courtesy of CBC