This Is Why You Should Act Single In A Relationship
We know what you’re thinking; it sounds crazy… but it’s true!
You know you’re in a healthy relationship when you can act single in it. Just think about the things you focused on when you were single and ask yourself if you still focus on them now that you’re taken.
You probably said no, or at least don’t think about it as much. It’s important to still have a single attitude towards your friends, career and everything else that makes you who you are. Your life outside of your relationship is just as important that way you’re not dependent on your significant other.
If you can find things in your life that make you as happy as your boo, you’re more likely to have a healthy lasting relationship. So get out there and get the alone time you deserve. Get to know yourself and spread the love in all aspects of your life.
You have to take care of yourself as much, if not more, as you take care of your partner.
How do you and your partner give each other space when you need it? We want to know @theMRLshow!