What You Should Never Eat At Work
To make sure you’re considerate of others around you, here are some suggestions of foods to stay away from while in the office.
First of all… leftover fish or seafood is never an option. It may be healthy but the smell will leave the whole office upset with you.
Pasta is sure to leave you lazy and useless after consuming all those carbs. Plus who wants to risk a huge mess?
Fast food isn’t safe either. It lets your coworkers know you may have had one too many drinks the night before.
Corn on the cob is messy for anyone so unless you have personal cob holders, leave it at home.
Save the cereal for some you time when you want to relax.
Sushi is great, but don’t try too hard to look cultured.
Ribs also don’t have a place at your desk. It’s one of the messiest foods and is sure to draw stares when you eat them.
Fried Chicken has the best smell when it’s fresh, but after it’s thrown away… the smell lingers. So, avoid the greasy chicken.
Tacos are delicious but also have many ingredients that are bound to fall out everywhere.
Lastly, you should never bring pancakes. Your coworkers do not want to watch you eat a sticky mess and smell the sweet scent of pancakes that will be lingering through the office.
Those are just a few suggestions of foods to keep clear of out of respect for your fellow coworkers. Do you have certain foods you think should not be eaten at the desk? We want to know @theMRLshow!