Father Being Charged After Scaring His Daughter With A Clown Mask
A father used a clown mask to punish his child, and now he’s the one being punished for it.
Everyone has different ways of disciplining their children. Some parents do time outs, some do spankings, and evidently some even put on a scary clown mask and chase their child out of the house. An Ohio man put on a clown mask to scare his 6 year old daughter, when she was misbehaving. The girl ran to a neighbors house, and the neighbor fired gunshots in the air. I think it’s clear that this prank went to far. The father said he resorted to scaring the girl, because she has been having behavioral problems and he cannot spank her due to broken ribs she obtained when she was younger. He intended to scare her enough to make her behave. Not sure how that would work. Now the father is being charged for Inducing Panic. I guess now we know that clown masks are not a suitable form of discipline for children.