National Potato Chip Day This Is North Carolina’s Favorite Flavor Chip
Who doesn’t love some good potato chips? They are salty, crunchy, and flavorful. And they are just an all-around American staple. You’ve probably seen the meme going around with the serving size of chips that says “I eat that many standing in the pantry deciding if I want to eat chips”. And truer words may never have been spoken. They aren’t always found in my pantry, but when they are I love to munch on potato chips while watching TV. That’s kind of why I don’t buy them that much. Did you know that March 14th is National Potato Chip Day? I didn’t, but I do now! In honor of this national holiday, our friends at BetCarolina decided to “snack on some stats to learn more about potato chip preferences.”
That sounds like a fun job! According to the research they collected and shared with us North Carolina is the state that is the 6th most interested in potato chips nationwide. Who knew? I wouldn’t say I’m not interested but I also don’t rank potato chips that high on my interest list. But BetCarolina‘s research went even further. They took a deep dive into just what kind of chips we prefer. And it seems North Carolina likes it a little spicey with Jalapeno chips coming in as the state’s favorite.
North Carolina’s Favorite Potato Chip Flavor

I may be crucified for this, but I’m not a big flavor chip fan. I just don’t generally love fake powdery flavoring. So my favorite would be the classic. Or in all honesty, kettle cooked for fresh made at a restaurant. If I’m in the mood I don’t mind a salt and vinegar chip and the sea salt and cracked pepper aren’t bad either. But anything that is going to stay on your fingers after you eat it? I’m out. Happy National Potato Chip day, what kind of chips are you indulging on this day? Thanks to our friends at BetCarolina for sharing their research with us. You can view the full study here.