Breast Implants Help Save Life Of Man In Need Of Double Lung Transplant
In an extraordinary medical breakthrough, doctors saved the life of 34-year-old Davey Bauer by using breast implants as a temporary solution to help fight severe lung damage.
Science is wild y’all! When I originally read this story of implants being used as a temporary lung I thought, No way! Advances in medicine have revolutionized healthcare over the past few decades. Medical technology has advanced significantly, allowing doctors to diagnose and treat diseases with greater accuracy and efficiency, but this story takes things to the next level. Talk about innovative!
According to CNN, Bauer’s health deteriorated due to a combination of factors, including smoking, vaping, and an untreated flu infection. His lungs became so damaged that he needed a double lung transplant, but his condition was too critical to wait for donor lungs.
Northwestern Medicine thoracic surgeon Dr. Ankit Bharat and his team devised an innovative approach to address the infection and maintain blood flow in Bauer’s body. They removed his damaged lungs, cleared the infection, and rigged together parts from a blood pumping machine to keep his blood circulating. Then to keep Bauer’s heart stable and in position, they put double-D breast implants inside his chest cavity.
The procedure was complex and not without risks, but his recovery has been impressive. The entire process took a few days and within a month, Bauer was sitting up and breathing on his own without a breathing machine. Although he still needs to stay in the hospital for ongoing monitoring, his successful recovery is a testament to the power of modern medicine and the ingenuity and innovation of the medical team at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.