Mom “In Tears” Over McDonald’s Worker’s Kindness To Autistic Daughter
A mom was brought to tears when a McDonald’s worker helped calm her autistic daughter. Recently, Candice Hudspith took her two-and four-year-old daughters to get a bite at a McDonald’s in Gateshead, UK. As they entered the restaurant, her four-year-old, Harper, who was diagnosed with autism in the past year, began to scream and shout, “no, no, no.”
According to Mirror, people around the restaurant turned to see what the commotion was, Candice considered just leaving, as she often would in a situation where Harper gets agitated, but just then a McDonald’s employee, Rachel, walked up to them. She said to Harper, “Oh, wow. I think I have a flag. Would you like one?” She then looked at Candice and said, “you’re doing an amazing job.” The little girl ran off and hid under a seat, so Rachel got some paper and crayons and lay on the floor to color with her.
The kindness was more than the mom could bear. “I literally burst into tears. I felt like I didn’t even have to say that she has autism, it was like she read my mind,” she recalls. “It was so lovely what she was doing.” Later, Candice shared the touching story on Facebook where it was shared and liked thousands of times. She also says she’s reaching out to McDonald’s to tell them what an asset they have in Rachel. Candice hopes this story will show what a difference a small act of kindness can make to someone when they’re struggling.
Source: Mirror