Parents Reveal “Not Gonna Happen” Gifts On Kids’ Lists
As a parent, there’s something so special about watching your kid’s face light up as they tear open a present and find the one thing they really wanted more than anything. But not all holiday wishes can come true because of things like budgets and unrealistic asks by kiddos. My son has one of these this year. We very tightly monitor and limit screen time in our house and Cashton wants a Nintendo switch so bad he can taste it… and let me tell you what Santa isn’t bringing down our chimney… a Nintendo Switch!
This can leave us with a lot of parental guilt, but one Reddit user is helping us feel better about it.
They posed the question: “What is the ‘yeah … that’s not gonna happen’ item on your kid’s Christmas list this year?” And these are some of our favorite responses:
- When mine was 3, he asked for “a real Ferrari, not a toy one.”
- “A real pink sparkly unicorn that I can ride on and that flies and that doesn’t bite and that can sleep in my room,” my three year old said. “Santa can make it because he has magic”
- “My son wrote “Lions winning a game,” on his list.
- “My 5 year old wants a grappling hook, a sword, a knife, and an iPhone. Then he added “all real.” I have no clue what he’s planning but I want no part of it. 😂
- “My 7yo wants the same thing he’s asked for every year since he was 3: a real chainsaw. He also wants a $300 remote-controlled car. Not a specific one, just any that costs exactly $300”
- “My 17-year-old wants a Lego set. It’s the Titanic. It’s 53-inches long, over 9-thousand pieces…and $700”
- “The dinosaurs to come back. No way kid, I’ve seen ‘Jurassic Park!’”
- “My 3 year old son requested an Apple Watch and a laptop. Zero chance mate”
- “My four-year-old wants a real star, from space, on top of the tree”
- “One of my kids wants a “barbie sized TV” which she explained is a working television, but the right size for a barbie.The other wants a pet owl”
- “My daughter wants a pygmy goat. Sorry sweetheart”
- “A golf cart. Our 5 year old asked for one”
- “My daughter showed me a video of a crafts kit she wanted, I took a look at the 50 little bottles of glitter and said no way in h*ll”
- “A Tesla. Any Tesla”, he said. “He’s 5”
- “A baby sister or brother” 😂
Source: Reddit