The 7 Mindless Habits That Are Making You Unproductive
I feel like this study is specifically calling me out.
Have you been unproductive at work recently? (yes) If you answered yes too, don’t worry…we aren’t the only ones. We’re so not alone that the University of California, Irvine looked into the problem and found that workers who are interrupted by calls and emails need an average of 23 minutes to get back to their original task.
They also end up feeling more stressed and frustration than their peers. That’s a lot of time! Sometimes interruptions come from other people, but other times, they’re because of mindless habits and ourselves we don’t even realize we’re doing.
The first step is to identify the habit you need to break. Here are seven of the most common mindless habits you should watch out for according to the Huffington Post…
- You constantly check your personal phone when there’s a lull.
- You do unrelated tasks that will “only take a second.”
- You open too many tabs on your browser.
- You impulsively check Slack and other work chat platforms.
- You start solving problems right away, before determining if they’re actually your problems to solve.
- You assume you’re right.
- You schedule unnecessary meetings.
Read more on the research here.
SOURCE: Huffington Post