Woman Finds Giant 4.38-Carat Yellow Diamond
A California woman and her husband recently made an extraordinary discovery while exploring a state park in Arkansas. Noreen Wredberg and Michael Wredberg were walking through Crater of Diamonds State Park when she saw something sparkly just sitting on top of the ground. “I didn’t know it was a diamond then,” says Noreen. “But it was clean and shiny, so I picked it up!” She gave the stone to her husband who took it to the park staff for identification.
After examining the stone, they informed Michael that it was a 4.38-carat yellow diamond. “When I first saw this diamond under the microscope, I thought, ‘Wow, what a beautiful shape and color,’” says park superintendent Caleb Howell. “Mrs. Wredberg’s diamond weighs more than four carats. It’s about the size of a jellybean, with a pear shape and a lemonade yellow color.” Noreen says she named the rock “Lucy’s Diamond” after her husband’s kitten.
Crater of Diamonds visitors discover, on average, one or two diamonds each day. 258 diamonds with a total weight of over 46 carats so far in 2021. The Wredberg’s discovery is the largest diamond found at the park this year, and the biggest since a 4.49-carat canary yellow diamond was discovered by Steven McCool last year.
Source: People