This Airline’s Booking System Lets You Know If Seat Is Taken By A Child
While these days it seems babies and kids are behaving better than some adults on planes, nobody really likes to get on a flight and realize they are sitting next to a child. Well, one airline has found a way to prevent that way before you board your flight.
According to LadBible, Japan Airlines is now giving travelers a way to see whether the seat they are choosing is next to a child. When passengers get the map to pick their seat, Japan Air has added a code that includes an icon informing them if a seat has been taken by children below the age of two.
“Passengers traveling with children between eight days and two years old who select their seats on the Japan Airlines website will have a child icon displayed on their seats on the seat selection screen,” reads the airline’s website. “This lets other passengers know a child may be sitting there.”
I honestly wouldn’t mind US airlines doing this too. As a mom, there is nothing more irritating than someone sitting down in a huff and puff before your kids even do anything wrong. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying my kids are perfect by ANY means but I do think kids can read energy and I don’t need your bad vibes rolling into our isle before we even get off.
Source: LadBible