Stolen Wallet Returned To Man 20 Years Later
A man from Scotland got a real blast from the past when a wallet he lost two decades ago was returned. Ryan Seymour, now 37, was out at a pub back in 2001 when the wallet was stolen from the bathroom. He had pretty much forgotten all about it until he got a call from police that someone found it and turned it in.
Even more surprising? Most of his stuff was still inside. After 20 years, his bank cards, work ID, a VHS rental card, library card and a One Stop Phone Shop card good for “unlimited ring tones and logos” were all still there. No such luck for the cash it once contained.
It turns out, the wallet was found sitting in a hedge near the pub, so it hadn’t traveled far in all those years. “It was funny to see me as fresh faced and innocent on my old employee card but the VHS rental card made me chuckle I must admit,” Ryan says, adding that the wallet is “a proper time capsule.”