The Science Behind Breakup Makeovers
We’ve seen plenty of celebrities change up their look after a split. The latest is Jana Kramer and Alex Rodriguez. Jana got a breast augmentation and A-Rod ditched his dad bod.
You can call it what you want: the revenge makeover, the breakup haircut, the divorce body, but it all comes down to a science. Yes, science. It’s explained by the “self-expansion theory.” It’s where people are motivated to grow through close relationships, but then self-concept shrinks in a breakup.
it’s really hard, after two people joining together, to split into two again. People want to be connected. That’s when you examine yourself and search for your identity and so different hairstyles, clothes, weight, and other things come into play.
We got rejected! We have to control what we can and that means ourselves. But why does everyone do the breakup makeover differently? It a choice that’s a mix of personal and society and since we each see ourselves and society differently, it’s all unique.