Woman Loses 118 Pounds Doing This
Lots of people have packed on a few extra pounds during the pandemic, but one woman in England has dropped more than 100 pounds in the last year after finding a fitness routine she actually loves. At her heaviest, Su Morgan’s weight was 259-pounds and she was drinking two liters of Dr. Pepper a day and eating takeout and junk food. And that’s when she decided to make some changes.
The single mom of four first looked into gastric bypass surgery, but doctors told her she’d need to lose some weight naturally before they could operate. So she committed to doing that and found an online dance aerobics class, “Rock Fit” that’s perfect for her because it’s set to her favorite music: heavy metal rock. In March 2020, Su started rocking out five times a week and revamped her diet and she started shedding pounds.
“It’s the most fun I’ve ever had exercising and I would be dripping in sweat afterward,” she explains. “I was still eating the things I loved, just smaller portions.” Over the last year, she’s dropped 118 pounds and she’s now feeling better than ever at 141 pounds, although she hopes to get a tummy tuck in the future to get rid of the excess skin she has after the major weight loss. Su says, “I’m really proud of myself and hopefully I can inspire others to do the same.”