Only Two-Thirds Of Couples Think Sleeping In The Same Bed Is Ideal
Back in the 60s and 70s, TV shows rarely showed a married couple sleeping in the same bed. Well, apparently there are a good deal of Americans who would totally be down with that today.
A recent YouGov survey finds:
66% of Americans say sharing a bed with their partner is their ideal sleeping arrangement. That means there are a third of people who would prefer some other arrangement, including:
- Sleeping in different beds in the same room (7%)
- Sleeping in different beds in different rooms (9%)
While some respondents said they didn’t know, or none of these would be ideal (9% each). When it comes to genders, 69% of men and 64% of women said sharing a bed with their partner is the ideal set up.
- 7% of men and 6% of women would want different beds in the same room.
- And 7% of men and 11% of women would want to sleep in different rooms.
And relationship status may also play a role in preferences, with married people more likely to want to share a bed with their partner. In fact, 82% of married men and 71% of married women prefer sharing a bed. 6% of married men and 7% of married women would like to be in the same room but in different beds. Although 14% of married women and 8% of married men would prefer to sleep in a separate room from their spouse.