Study: Women Won’t Get Gender Equality For Another 135 Years
The good news: We’re moving in the right direction when it comes to gender equality. The bad news? We’re doing it slow as hell. A new report from the World Economic Forum’s 2021 Global Gender Gap Report estimates women won’t achieve gender equality for another 135.6 years. But New Year’s Eve 2156 is going to be pretty dope.
And not to make bad news worse but if this pandemic continues into next year, we might be adding more time onto that estimate. According to the World Economic Forum, 2020 backed up total equality by 35 years and that’s because COVID-19 has hit women harder than the opposite sex. Women were more likely to be working in industries hit hardest by “rapid digitalization” and get strapped with the care for their children in lockdown. Seems like a lot of guys didn’t put the “Dad” in “Dad bod” this past year.
The World Economic Forum also releases their rankings of what countries are doing the best with gender equality and congratulations are in order for Iceland for leading the way at 89% equal. If you’re wondering how the United States is doing you better stretch out your scrolling finger because you’ll have to we’re currently down in 30th place with 76% equality. While it’s not great, it’s a lot better than our 2020 ranking of 53rd so at least we’ve got that going for us.